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Zu Verschenken

(Give Away)

In spring and summer 2020 i collected hand-painted signs from give away boxes on the sidewalks. I noticed an increased number of gift boxes on the streets while strolling through a neighbourhood in Freiburg i. Br. (Germany). Cardboard boxes or old baskets, neatly equipped with various stuff, have been placed both in highly frequented public space (park benches, power boxes) and in front of family homes (garden fences, garage doors). The house residents put their cleaned out, no longer needed things on the street to get rid of them. You can find useful, useless, outdated, new, beautiful, unattractive, […] – actually all kinds of stuff in these boxes, but very rarely broken or dirty trash. People take this seriously. By now this gesture of giving has become an established part of the neighbourly community culture, think a neighbourhood potlatch maybe. The only thing that is thrown away for sure is the box and the sign. I chose the sign and went on.

grayscale images of give away boxes on the street and a piece of paper

Collection of hand-painted signs from give away boxes on the sidewalks.

piece of paper with handwritten words “Zu Verschenken Gegen Langeweile” (Give Away against boredom), and a smiley face piece of paper with handwritten words “Zu Verschenken” (Give Away) piece of paper with handwritten words “Zu Verschenken” (Give Away) piece of paper with handwritten words “Zu Versch…” (Give Aw…), word ends abruptly piece of paper with handwritten words “Zu Verschenken” (Give Away), and a narrow smiley face a weathered piece of paper with handwritten words “Zu Verschenken” (Give Away) piece of paper with handwritten words “Zu Verschenken” (Give Away) piece of paper with handwritten words “Zu Verschenken” (Give Away) piece of paper with handwritten words “Zu Verschenken” (Give Away), and a swoosh underline piece of paper with handwritten words “Zu Verschenken” (Give Away), and a cheeky smiley face piece of paper with handwritten words “Zu Verschenken” (Give Away), and a drawing of a sun piece of paper with handwritten words “Zu Verschenken” (Give Away) piece of paper with handwritten words “Zu Verschenken” (Give Away) piece of paper with handwritten words “Zu Verschenken” (Give Away), and a swoosh underline piece of paper with handwritten words “Zu Verschenken” (Give Away) piece of paper with handwritten words “Zu Verschenken” (Give Away)

Zu Verschenken
Freiburg i. Br.: 2020, 16 pages, 14.5×9 cm, laser print
⬇ Download PDF (from archive.org)

small book in landscape format, white cover with title, the paper inside is purple, handpainted signs are printed as dithered black bitmaps

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