A series of analog photos, taken sometime in the winter of 2021/2022.
This virtual place is built like a backyard behind a house where you might live. Puddles in a backyard are kinda common, no? Everything is kind of tumbled down around here. If you want to explore further, look further down and visit one of these places:
the puddle’s summer edition kind of, the backyard pool:
more ice life:
next to the cellar entrance, there’s an open box attached to the wall. Will you toggle the main switch?
helpful stones, blind stones on the pavement to the left:
sustainable message:
there’s one thing with taking analog pictures:
moor from the bog region, a wet book:
virtuality in virtuality in virtuality, the entrance to a cyber cave appears:
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a crumpled piece of paper on the floor:
new spaces of struggle: